We’re not really sticklers for rules, but we know that sometimes you need to set a few boundaries so that there’s no misunderstanding. So, to be clear, here’s what we’re looking for:
herLoveherstory stories should written in the first person, with a clear beginning, middle and end. We’re looking for powerful, authentic stories that capture what it means to be a lesbian. These stories should leave the readers with a real emotion, which can only be done if they feel your experience.
These stories need to have heart. The best stories are the ones that give us all the feels. Tears, laughter, goosebumps, and sometimes a little tingling in some yummy, unexpected places. Yes, sex is absolutely okay, but let’s keep it sensual and classy. No porn.
Write your story in the first person. It’s your story no one can tell it like you do. We want simple pieces that touch our readers in a meaningful way. We want personal stories filled with emotion and drama – not a stretch for most of us. c’mon, you know it’s true! And lastly, we want you to include all the senses: touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing.
Don’t be afraid to speak from the heart. If you want to remain anonymous, that’s fine too. Pen names can be fun to create!
Word count : 1500 words or less. Short, concise, to the point. Don’t ramble lol.
What about poetry?
Glad you asked! We all express ourselves in different ways, and if poetry is your thing, go for it! Just be sure to keep in mind that it still has to be a story with a beginning, a middle, and an end. Don’t focus on rhyming or creating a hallmark moment. Free verse is completely acceptable and often makes for the very best stories written in poetry.
How to get your story to us?
Another good question! You can submit your story via email, and then one of three volunteer editors will tweak it and polish it up a little, if need be. Not all of us are writers, but if you can get the essence of your story written down and email it to us, we can do the rest, and we’ll do our very best to keep your voice at the forefront of your story.
( and this is a fun option for the chatty among us! we like chatty lol )
If actually telling your story would be easier for you, you can relax in the comfort of your own space and have a virtual chat with Trish, the creator of herLoveherStory. Trish is all about personal connections and community, and has an easy way about her that can coax even the shyest woman out of her shell. Sharing a cuppa something, or even a glass of vino can help to create a comfortable atmosphere ripe for story sharing. Trish will capture it all on video screen record so that she can transcribe it herself and once you’ve given the okay, we’ll add your story to the collection.
Your choice! Email or Chat <3
And last, but certainly not least: Will you get paid?
Okay, you’re probably wondering if you’ll get paid for your story submission. That’s fair. So, here’s the deal. Since herLoveherStory is in its infancy, (as in we are literally starting the venture right now as you read this), we are relying heavily on contributors donating their stories until the book has a proven track record or significant funding. We wondered how Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen, the original creators of the infamous Chicken Soup series, got started and learned that in the beginning, they managed their submissions by focusing on networking and leveraging personal and professional connections to gather stories. Many contributors agreed to share their stories for little or no compensation, as the concept of Chicken Soup for the Soul was more about inspirational sharing than significant financial gain in its infancy.
Well, that is our goal as well! We are hoping you will be just as generous in volunteering your stories. We think this is a wonderful idea and will do all we can to ensure it’s success, but there will be no herLoveherStory without your stories. So if you’re wiling to share for free, and this little venture takes off, compensation of some sort will be coming your way in the future. That’s all legal stuff, so we’ll leave it at that for now. But just know, for now, any story you send to us for publication either here or in the herLoveherStory book, will be purely on a voluntary basis. If you need to know more, please send us an email.
Okay! If you haven’t read any of theStories that have been sent to us so far, please do so now. They’re wonderful examples of the kind of stories we’re looking for , and might just give you some inspiration to share yours.
We would really love that!